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- Charlotte Summers
Supernatural Flaws (A Different Kind Of Hell Book 4)
Supernatural Flaws (A Different Kind Of Hell Book 4) Read online
I would like to say a massive thank you to my family and friends for believing in my dreams of making this books. I would like to mention my silly but lovable dogs and my feisty cats who make everyday a day to remember with their antics.
Thank you for reading this book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Copyrighted 2018
Table of contents
Chapter one………………..
Chapter two………………..
Chapter three………………
Chapter four………………..
Chapter five…………………
Chapter six………………....
Chapter seven……………..
Chapter eight……………….
Chapter nine………………..
Chapter ten…………………
Chapter eleven…………….
Chapter twelve…………….
Chapter thirteen…………..
Chapter fourteen………….
Chapter fifteen…………..
Chapter sixteen……………
Chapter seventeen………..
Chapter eighteen…………
Chapter nineteen………….
Chapter twenty…………….
Chapter twenty-one……….
Chapter twenty-two………..
About the author.............
Chapter One
I blink in pain as the whip passes my ear. I grit my teeth as it slices into my back with the fury of ten men.
“Shift” The man snarls and I shake my head, I’ll never give into him.
“Jakey, it’s easy once you give in” A woman purrs and I fight the urge to be sick.
“We have been doing this for months! When will he break” The woman whines and I growl under my breath.
“Soon my lovely” The man who hold the whip sneers and I sigh as they leave my room.
“Oh Nat, I wish you were here to help me” I cry out, wanting my younger alpha sister by my side.
I cringe as I remember the look on Jax’s face as he was taken down. I sigh as I think about what they are doing now, I know for a fact they will be looking for me but even I don’t know where I am so how can they know?
I huddle against the wall as the wind howls through a crack in the door. I shiver and wish I could shift but fear fills my veins with ice so I am unable to even move.
I shiver again and grit my teeth, I have no idea how I have survived. I have no idea how I didn’t shift on the full moons and I have no idea how long I’ve been here. Is the war still raging? Am I going to help my family win this war or am I going to die down here, a puppet and a slave.
I shift my hands into claws and mark another line next to the others, one hundred by my count.
“Is that hours or days?” I mutter to myself, thinking about why I started marking the wall.
“I’m going crazy” I whisper and rock myself.
I rub my face with my hands and cringe at the dried blood which flakes from my hairline.
My wolf snarls at me and I shiver, the need to get out of this place grows stronger every second and I growl. I jump up and pace the tiny room which is my holding cell. I try to pull the bars of the small window but it will not move. I hiss in fear, my wolf grows more and more restless and I know for a fact I will go feral if I don’t get out of here soon.
I don’t want Percy to have to shoot me but he will if I go rogue. I shake my head and punch the wall, dust flies down from the power of my punch but I don't care.
I raise my eyebrow at the dent in the wall and an idea forms in my head. I grin as I shove my fist into the wall again and again. The plaster crashes down with each hit and I insanely dig at it, my breathing turns to pants as desperation fills my body.
I hear shouts coming from the hallway and I snarl, something within my mind snaps at being so close to freedom.
The door is thrown open and I leap at the man who sneers at me, he screams as I shift before I crash into him.
His eyes widen as I bite down on his shoulder and shake my massive head. My black alpha fur raises making me look bigger than I am and I snarl at the hunters.
No one is getting me back in a cage or that room I think to myself as I dart away from them and towards what I hope is fresh air.
My paws fly across the ground, freedom is just a sprint away and I grin as I get closer it.
I yelp as a bullet hits my shoulder. I push past the pain, however, I realise too late that it has sleeping stuff in it and I collapse just before the door.
I whine in sadness and fear, I’ll never get out of here now I think to myself before my eyes slide shut and the people roughly grab me.
I huff as I feel myself being placed on a table, my eyes widen as I remember what they did to Jax and I buck to try and get free.
I snap at hands that get too close to my body, I hear laughing but ignore it and focus on bitting as many hunters as I can.
“Jake, be still” I snarl as the person who stabbed Jax tries to comfort me. He fingers slide into my fur and I twist my head and bite down. I feel satisfaction as he screams and pulls his bleeding hand away from me, I know for a fact that wound will take months to fully heal.
I grunt as something sharp, my guess is a knife, is thrust into my neck just above where my neck and back join.
“Do you want to be paralysed?” The person holding it snarls and I huff at him.
I sigh and hold still, I realise the best bet of getting out of here is doing what they tell me too.
“Good doggy” The man replies and I bite back a snarl. I’m no dog.
“Shall we get on with it?” I twitch my ears as another person joins the room full of people in lab covers. My nose scents silver and I sneeze before I can stop myself.
Chapter Two
I howl in pain as shocks go through my body, the more the pain the less I’m able to think about getting out. My dreams and hopes are lost as I feel myself slipping from the world.
“He’s dying! Stop I want him alive!” I hear a booming voice and I whine at the pain it causes me.
Why would they want me alive when they are trying to kill me? I mentally groan at all my thoughts, these are the only things stopping me from biting into my wrists and killing myself. I wonder for a second if I can actually do that but my wolf growls at me so I push that thought away.
I sigh as the shocks stop and I’m picked up from the table. My head lolls to the side as someone roughly shoves me into a cage.
I hiss as the silver-coated bars touch my fur but I curl up and hope for death to take me, this cannot go on for much longer. I know my body cannot take any more.
I sob as my body shifts into my human form. I yelp as old wound tear, blood drips from them and I curse my new life.
My wolf paces in my mind as I curl up, the wolf wanting nothing more than for us to be free and run to our pack. I shiver and shake as a breeze tickles my nose. My naked body holds many scars from the months I’ve been here, the will to live slowly disappears the longer I’m curled up in the darkness.
“I wonder what the pack are doing” I whisper into the darkness.
“Why don't you find out?” I hear another voice reply and I jerk up with a cry.
“I’m finally crazy” I pace around my small cage, I hear a shuffle from my right and I snarl. This must be a trick? I think to myself.
“Your not crazy, I’ve just not been able to talk” The voice replies and I narrows my eyes. The dim light reveals a woman around my 21 years.
“How are you here?” I growl as I shake my head
“I’ve always been here, they were going to make us mate but you never gave them what they wanted” She shivers and I have the urge to snarl at the thought of the men trying to hurt her.
“What’s your name?” I ask as I cling to the thought of her actually being here.
“I’m Holly, you?” She asks and I melt as I repeat her name.
“I’m Jake” I grin, feeling like my old jokey self.
“I saw your last attempt and I have to say you went about it all wrong” She laughs and I frown.
“I tried to get out, it was fight or stay here” I shrug.
“I have an idea but you have to roll with it” She mutters and I see her eyes narrow at me.
“Anything” I promise, the raw need to hug her for helping me surges through me and I shake myself. The first girl I’ve seen in months is sending my wolf mental I roll my eyes at my thoughts.
I cringe as she lets out a scream, she motions for me to shift and I grin as I let the wolf take over.
“Help! He’s gone crazy” She screams and I howl, venom tangles with my voice and I let all my emotions free. I realise she is staring at me and I roll my eyes at her.
A door is thrown open just as I leap at her, she grunts and cries out as I pretend to bite down on her arm. She frowns at me before pushing my mouth down on her arm, I growl as my fangs slice her skin.
“It needs to look real” She whispers before screaming. I feel someone grab me and throw me against a wall.
I snarl as a whip flashes through the air, I hear Holly gasp as it catches my side. I huff at her and dart out of my open cage, the man shouts something but I ignore him as I bite down on the lock to her cage.
I knock the man to the floor as he raises the whip again, fear for Holly makes me jump in front of her as a bullet flies from another hunters gun.
I growl with the pain and turn to take him down. Holly barks at me and I raise my eyebrow, I didn't even see her shift. We jump past four hunters who shout and scream for us to stop, I roll my eyes at them before ducking my head and sprinting towards the door to freedom.
This time I will not miss, I will not get taken down. I’m not running for just myself now, I have someone to take care of.
Chapter Three
Holly’s howl of pain as me whipping around, she huffs at me but I see red. No one hurts my mate. I shake the thought away and jump at the hunter who is far too close for comfort.
I bite down on his neck and shake until I hear the bone snap. Holly barks at me and we race away from the army of hunters who train their guns on us.
I shove the door open and breath in deeply, fresh air! I nearly howl with joy before I realise we still need to get away from here and to safety.
I make a beeline for the fence, I shiver as I hear the low hum of electricity. Holly whines and I tilt my head, looking for a way out. I hear the footsteps of the hunters and I snarl, I will not go back when I’m even closer to my freedom.
I shield Holly with my body, she shivers as the hunters come into view and I frown as an idea forms in my head.
I nudge her closer to the fence, she huffs at me and I shrug. She needs to trust me like I trusted her to get out of here.
I wait until the first hunter is within leaping distance, Holly catches onto what I’m doing and she races at a hunter who yelps in fear. Where the hell do they get these kids from? I think to myself as I leap at another hunter.
I use his body to propel me up and over the fence, I see Holly flying through the air next to me and I let my tongue loll out at her. She huffs and I grunt as the ground meets my paws, I cringe as I roll to take the impact off my legs.
I bark and we ease into the mile eating lobe of the wolf, just two lone wolves running from their fears and their past.
I glance at Holly and see her peach coloured fur, I frown slightly as I try to think of why she would have different fur. Maybe she was made? Maybe she is like Jax? I think to myself.
We run for hours, my wolf pushing me every time I want to stop. Holly keeps up with me and I bounce around like a puppy, just wanting to stay as a wolf.
The sun starts to set as we run through a village, people coming out of a church cry out as we sprint past. I cringe as one man lifts a rifle.
I nudge Holly and we jump to the right where woods line the village. On the way past a house I grin as clothes are out on the line to dry, Holly watches as I jump over the fence and grab two shirts, two pants and two pairs of socks.
She huffs at me while wagging her tail and we dart into the woods. I roll my eyes at how stupid I must look right now.
I spot a small cave and I nose Holly towards it, she sighs and shifts and I lay out her clothes before walking outside and shifting myself.
I grit my teeth as wounds pull and I sigh as the shift completes. I shove on the clothes and shuffle into the cave.
“Thank you, we couldn’t have done it without each other” Holly whispers and I nod.
“I needed to get out of there, I was going crazy” I shrug, feeling just how close my wolf was to going feral.
I curl up next to Holly who whimpers. I pull her towards me and she leans against my side, I grit my teeth as the bullet shifts and she gasps.
“You were shot!” She lifts my top up and I frown at the bullet wound.
“Yeah, it’s nothing” I try to reassure her.
“I need to get it out” She mutters and I roll my eyes before letting her get a closer look.
I lean my head against the cave wall as she uses a knife we picked up from a fallen hunter to get it out. I hiss as the silver burns my side even more.
“Sorry, it’s the only thing I can use” She cringes.
“It’s fine, just be quick” I pant as dark spots dance in my vision.
I nearly cry out as she pulls the bullet from the wound, she throws it away from us and I sigh in relief.
“You going to be okay?” She asks and I nod.
“I need to find out where we are so I can ring Percy or Jax maybe” I mutter, unsure who would be better to ring. Jax can protect us a lot more than Percy can and he knows it.
“Who are they” Holly watches me with weary eyes.
“They are my pack mates, I found Jax wandering around aimlessly. We took him in and he helped us get rid of the vampires. I know he will be going crazy not knowing if I'm dead or alive, he blames himself for what happened” I bite my lip at the thought of Jax battling both sides to find me.
“It sounds like you really care for Jax” Holly smiles.
“I do, I didn't know him long but he has a good heart. He cares about what happens” I reply, I close my eyes and think about my twin sister she will kill me when I get home.
“Ava will kill me as well as Nat and Ivan” I chuckle.
“Your family?” Holly asks.
“Yeah, Ava is my twin and Nat and Ivan are my younger siblings” I shrug.
“I lost mine when I was caught” Holly whispers and I turn to see tears trickling from her eyes.
“I’m sorry Hols” I mutter and she sighs into my shoulder.
“I think we should get some sleep before we head out” She mutters and I nod.
“Good night Holly, I’ll protect you” I smile at her as she curls up into my body for the warmth.
I shiver as the wind howls outside the cave. I strain my ears for any signs of danger, I know for a fact I will not sleep tonight.
I shiver again and pull my clothes tighter around me, Holly cuddles closer and I lean my head on top of hers.
I think about shifting into my wolf form but with Holly laid on me I would end up waking her. She needs her sleep I think to myself.
I sigh and close my eyes, knowing sleep will not come I listen to the howling wind as I remember the last run with my pack.
Chapter Four
My eyes snap open as Holly moves, she yawns and I look around. My weary eyes take in the droplets of water that fall from the cave’s roof. I snarl as she moves away from me, I realise I’m
caught in the fear from the cages we were trapped in but I cannot escape.
“We are safe” Holly gently hugs me, I feel the wolf relax and I sigh into her hair.
“I guess I thought this was a dream” I mutter.
“I did too” She replies and I pull myself up from the floor, I cringe as my aches ignite.
“I think we should get out of here, we can hunt on the way to a town” I mutter, my wolf warning me of a danger I cannot hear.
“Yes, I feel like someone is watching us” Holly mutters and I shiver. I quickly pull off my clothes and gather them, Holly’s too, into a makeshift backpack.
I place it on my back before letting the shift happen, I grit my teeth as my wounds pull with the reformation of my body. My black alpha fur bursts from my skin and I shake myself as the shift completes.
I trot out of the cave with a growl, if anyone is watching us maybe my growl will scare them off.
Holly huffs and bumps my shoulder before tilts her head and trotting away from me. I roll my eyes before I hurry to catch up with her.
My ears twitch as we slowly move through the woods. My mind reels as my head jerks at every little sound.
The wolf is so tense that I growl at a bird. It tweets at me before flapping off. I huff and shake my head to catch Holly watching me.
I whine at her and she places a paw on my shoulder, we have both been through some rough times but it’s my wolf that seems to have taken it hard.
Holly bumps my shoulder again and I pick up my speed, I hate how I need to run to get this off my mind.
Holly runs at my side and I feel the wolf relaxing slightly. My stomach rumbles and I grin when my nose picks up a rabbit scent.
I slow to a crawl as the rabbit grazes in front of me. Holly stays as still as a statue as I wait to pounce.
I leap at the rabbit whose head jerks up with wide eyes as my teeth grab its body.
I snap its neck quickly and place the rabbit by Holly’s paws. I wag my tail and nudge it to her. She shivers and I realise she has never eaten real prey before.