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Supernatural World (A Different Kind Of Hell Book 1) Page 3
Supernatural World (A Different Kind Of Hell Book 1) Read online
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I hope that the wolf who bit me is still here, I want a little revenge.
I hear a growl and I whip around, a whole pack comes towards us. I freak out and try running away.
Dray nips me before I can go anywhere, telling me not to run.
The leader growls again and his pack falls back, waiting.
The leader then jumps towards me and I gladly meet him in the middle.
I don't know how to fight in wolf form but I know how to bite, my wolf helps me and we fight together. I use my fast speeds as an advantage, I know I can not win on just strength as he is a lot bigger than me.
I bite the leaders paw and he grabs my back, I try to direct my pain as anger, the wolf wants me to but the wounds hurt like nothing I've had before.
Dray and his wolf fight the leaders pack, I don't know what will happen if I defeat the leader but I have an idea.
Wild wolves bow down to the wolf that won, weather it was their leader or a new wolf. I don't want to have a pack, I just want it to be me and Dray.
I focus on the fight, blood drops down from my wounds and I limp slightly.
My wolf takes over fully and I'm helpless, she attacks with more force than I was using.
We bite, slash and grab at the leader; weakening him.
After we are done my wolf releases me so we can fight together. My wolf was just scared that we were going to die and that I didn't know how to defend myself in wolf form.
He moves in for the kill, thinking I'm weak and ready to be taken out. Well I have other plans, as he leaps. I duck and turn, biting the soft underside of him. He howls in pain and I rip his throat out before he can attack again.
I turn around to see the pack staring at me and Dray rushes to me, making sure I'm okay. I lick his muzzle, he has blood around it but it's not his. I sigh in relief that he is okay, the wolves behind us let out a mournful howl and I flinch.
After they are done, they bow towards me. I look at Dray and he's smiling, I turn and run because I'm horrified at what I've just done.
I feel my wolf trying to take over again but I don’t let her, my mind is in turmoil at what I have done. I killed someone, I get that it was me or him but I still killed him. I run without looking where I’m going, I can hear Dray and the pack following me but I ignore them and try to outrun my feelings. The moon starts it’s descent and I feel the time nearing where I can shift back to my human form, I really can not wait and I never want to be a wolf again.
I whine for Dray, I don't know what to do. The moons hold leaves me and I can shift back if I want to. I'm sprinting as fast as I can, I hope Dray is following me. I cannot hear him behind me, my form shivers and I know that I’m about to shift back into my human form.
I run to my house, no lights are on and I silently freak out just a little. My mum usually keeps a light on if I've gone out.
I hear a pack howl, Drays howl is mixed in with it and I have to resist the urge to run back. I shove the door in and run to my room, I don't notice how quiet the house is until I shift back. My wolf growls in my head, telling me that something is not right.
I quickly get dressed and pack a bag, I know I will get caught but I can't deal with werewolves any more. I've always wanted to join the supernatural race but I know how hard it is, voices in my head and the works.
I hear a wolf run into the house, I tilt my head. Trying to figure out if he's a threat or not. I run down with a growl, ready to defend my home, as I round a corner I see it's Dray.
"Don't scare me like that, Jeez I nearly had a heart attack!" I growl at him while he shifts.
"Sorry" He grins at me.
I glance around, looking for the pack but don't see them. I watch Dray as he walks towards me, pulling me into a hug and kissing my head.
"We can help this pack together, you aren't alone in this" He says.
"I don't know why I did what I did" I cry into his shoulder.
"You was protecting yourself, that's why" He replies.
"Come, on let’s go meet our new pack" He smiles before picking me up bridal style.
I laugh at him and lay my head against his shoulder,
I jump down from him and we race each other towards the woods, I feel angry at myself for taking a life but great because I have a pack.
"Hey, look our alpha is here" One of the wolves says, once we enter their home.
All the wolves kneel, showing their faith in me. I look towards Dray and smile. I walk gracefully into the clearing, I smile at the pups who watch with wariness.
"Alpha" one the of the wolves stands.
"Hello, what's your name?" I ask, hoping that he will answer. I wonder if they want me as their alpha and I wonder how I will protect them, I'm new to this stuff.
"My name is Aaron" He says as he bows his head.
I nod and look around, the clearing is a tip. I know they live here but they are my pack now and I will get them somewhere to stay.
"Gather the pack and follow me" I tell him, he nods and brings the pack together.
If I’m to have a pack then I’ll make sure they have the best werewolf life I can offer them, I might be new to this but I hear my wolf rumble in my head and I know I’m doing the right thing.
I watch as the females pick their children up, I notice two kids without mothers. I frown and ask Aaron who tells me that their parents were killed.
I walk over to them, they glance at me and bow. I shake my head and pick the female up. She lays her head against my shoulder and I put my other hand out towards the boy. He smiles then grabs it. I frown at how skinny they are, I make a decision that will affect my whole life but I’m going to keep the promise.
"You two will never be alone again, Me and Dray will keep you safe. WE WILL KEEP YOU ALL SAFE" MY voice raises towards the end, letting the whole pack know that I'm not going to let anything happen.
I lead the pack towards my house, I wonder if my mum is in yet. We round the corner and the lights are still off, my wolf is on high alert.
"Dray, stay with the pack while I go and check the house. I'm getting bad vibes" I growl at him, he nods and I give the children to him.
"Stay here" I tell the pack, I get nods of approval.
I walk slowly towards the house, my mum would ring me if she was not coming home so why are the lights off.
I get to the door and find it slightly open, I gulp and push it open further. I hear Dray, trying to tell me to come back but I need to know.
I walk in the house and what I find makes me shift, my wolf pushing me for control and I have to give in. I never knew my wolf was so strong. She comforts me as my emotions flare up painfully.
I walk from room to room, blood coats each wall of every room. I walk to the one room I haven't checked, my mums room. My eyes widen, my breathing increases and I see black at my the edges of my vision.
My mum, Tasha and her mum, They are all on the bed. Blood pools around them, someone has murdered my whole family. I growl, my wolf goes mad and I know nothing will stop her.
I let out a battle howl, this shit is on! I'm going to kill whoever did this, but first I'm going to kill their family while they watch. I shake them thoughts out of my head, I'm not a bloodthirsty killer or am I?
I hear my pack, they howl for me. I can't think straight and maybe they will help me. I grab my bag, which was already packed. My hunting knife is packed with it and I know I'm going to need it.
I run outside with my bag, the children that I helped watch me with worry and Aaron gasps. He knows what happened and I'm going to get it out of him.
Dray grabs the scruff of my neck before I can take off, I growl at him but he doesn't let go. I'm not his alpha, he is my mate so he won't listen my wolf tells me.
I shift back, Dray passes me some clothes and the rest of the pack turn around. I shake my head once the shift is done.
"What happened?" Dray asks me.
"Someone killed my family" I say, no ti
me of grief. I have a pack to look after.
"Okay, there is another house that my family owns. We should be safe there" I say to the pack.
I pick the girl up and give my hand to the boy, the girl falls asleep and the boys feet are dragging. I slow my pace to match theirs, we get to my other house and I do the same again.
I check the house, top to bottom to check that no one is lurking in wait ready to kill me or my pack.
"Okay it's safe"I shout over to them.
My mind races and I nearly end up shifting again, the wolf in me demands to have revenge for my family.
I lead the pack through the house, it's big enough that the whole pack have bedrooms. My mum was going to sell this house but I've always loved it so she kept it. This house is the reason we never had any money, I always told her to sell the other house but she loved it and didn’t want to lose it.
I let the pack make their own rooms and I wait in the living room, The girl still sleeps on my shoulder and I smile at her sleeping form. The boy cuddles up to me and sleeps peacefully. I need to find out their names, I wonder what all the packs names are I only know Aaron's name. I shiver as I think about him, strange feelings bubble inside me.
Dray walks into the room and smiles at us, He sits next to me and I lean against him. I yawn and my eyes start to close.
"Mummy can I have some water?" The little girl asks.
"What?" I reply. I’m shocked that she would call me that, she has only know me for a few hours.
She opens her eyes and asks me again, I'm not her mum but I'll try to be. I nod and hand her to Dray, she snuggles closer to him and I go get her some water. I smile as I walk back into the living room, the children have woken up and are playing with Dray.
"Here's your water" I say, handing her the water.
She carefully drinks from it then hands the empty glass to me. I place it on the table and smile at her. I wonder if it is the right time to ask her name.
"What's your names then?" I ask.
"We don't have names" They reply together, I'm shocked that they don't have names.
"Do you want names?" I ask them, I hope they do.
"Yes, but no one will give us names" The girls says while her brother looks at us with sad eyes.
"Okay, how about Ava and Jake?" I say.
"I like it, do you brother?" Ava asks her brother.
"Yeah, I love it!" Jake replies, I smile as they repeat their names.
The pack start to come down, I wonder into the kitchen and start to make some food for us. My cooking skills are poor but it's the effort that counts, I place all the food on the table like an all you can eat.
We stay up and play games all night, it take my mind off everything that's happened in the last few weeks. My life has changed so much and I wonder what my mum would say to me, would she be proud or would she hate what I've done. The pack are actually really cool, they only followed the other alpha out of fear for their pups. I find out that Ava and Jake's parents were killed by him when they were little because they refused to kill one of their pups. I growl at the thought of being made to choose, it’s not something you can choose lightly.
I get to know all my pack's names, I'm grateful to Dray who made me go back and help them. My wolf would have dragged me back anyway but I'm glad I didn't have to shift to go back for them.
Ava and Jake watch us, they sit next to me but say nothing as they watch their pack get to know me and Dray. I learn that the pack were being hurt by the old alpha and my blood boils, just the thought of my pack being hurt makes me want to shift and kill someone.
"Mummy, can we go to bed now?" Ava asks me, I glance at the clock and see that it's three in the morning.
"Yes, I'll show you to your room" I reply, getting up.
Jake grabs my hand and Ava grabs Jake's hand, I laugh at us. we look like a human chain. I realise that for the first time I'm a mum, they might not be mine but I'm already thinking about them as my own children.
I open the door to their room, it's dark so I turn on the light. I lift Ava into her bed and Jake jumps into his bed. I look around and check that the window is firmly shut and locked.
"Night you two" I say, my mind tells me to just leave but my heart tells me to do something motherly. I didn’t know I had the instinct to be a mother, I know I will never be as good as my mum was but I’m going to try.
I lean down and kiss Ava on the head, I pull her cover up and kiss her again. I then walk over the Jake, he giggles as I kiss his head and pull his cover up.
"Sleep tight, my pups" I whisper softly before closing the door, I leave the lights on so that they won't get scared.
“Night mum” I hear them mumble before their light snores fill the air. I smile and stay outside their room for an half an hour, just to make sure they are safe.
11 Chapter Eleven
The wind howls, Ava and Jake curl up closely next to me and Dray sleeps on the chair. He says he needs to protect me but I don't really need it, all in all the pack have settled in nicely. We have a run every other day, making sure to leave the younger pups with a fighter wolf.
I personally take the fighter wolf on a run after the rest of the pack have come back. It's been a week since my mum and family was killed, my best friend Tasha was also killed. I don't know who did it but I know one thing for sure: I'm going to get my revenge.
"Mummy, I'm cold" Ava mumbles, I shake my head and pull her closer.
Ever since we moved into this house they couldn't sleep in their own room so I moved their beds into my room. They still don't sleep in them, they like to sleep with me instead.
I lay my head against Ava's. She sighs and curls up more. I smile at her before closing my eyes, tomorrow is going to be a great day with my new pack.
"Attackers!" I hear Aaron shout.
I jump up at the same time Dray does, we collide into each other and I growl at him. He rolls his eyes and I gently push Ava and Jake into the wardrobe.
"Stay here and do not move no matter what" I command, they cannot ignore a command from their alpha.
Ava nods while Jake hides behind her, I kiss their heads then run out to help fight with my pack. Blood is everywhere, I just hope it's not my packs. I realise that Ava might be the next alpha by the way she holds herself and the way she protects her brother, I smile to myself before hardening my expression and running to meet the attack.
"Aaron, what's the news?" I shout over the commotion.
"Four of ours are dead, the rest of the blood is the enemy" he says.
My blood runs cold, four wolves from my pack have been killed. I shake as I try to keep from shifting, my wolf takes over and I let go of my control. Shifting hurts more if you fight it, my wolf will not let anyone else be hurt.
My regal white fur bursts out of my skin as my bones break and reline into that of a wolfs. My ear move higher up and my sight becomes black and white, I can hear the screams of my pack as they get hurt and I snarl.
I jump on the first attacker I see, his screams echo around the whole house and all the attackers stop; frozen in fear.
I leap, duck and bite until my mouth is covered in the blood of my enemies. I push my pack out of the danger, Aaron and Dray stay with me. Aaron is the main fighter wolf, Dray is my mate and my wolf is out of control right now.
"Mummy, they are all dead" I hear Ava say from the stairway. I growl at her, her eyes widen and I nearly leap at her.
Dray jumps in my way and he snarls at me, my wolf demands that we end the threat but I look around and see that the only threat to the pack is me.
I shift and collapse, my mind swirls with unanswered questions and I look at my mate as my eyes close for the second time today.
But not before I see Ava shaking from the stairway, what have I just done?
12 Chapter Twelve
I wake up to Ava crying next to me, I lift my arm up and put it around her. She looks at me with wide, puffy eyes and I know that something is wrong.
"What is it young one?" I ask her.
"I'm scared" She replies, she sniffs then grabs onto me with a force that I didn't know she had.
"It's okay, it's all going to be okay" I whisper, rocking her back and forth.
I yawn and get up, Ava jumps up and goes to look for Jake. I shake my head at her and I get dressed. We need to bury our fallen pack mates.
I walk into the living room and see the pack, with mugs of hot chocolate and tear stained faces. I shake my head and turn the light on, they were sitting in the dark. I don’t know what is wrong but they just stare, maybe it’s because some of ours were killed or maybe it’s how I reacted.
"Come on, we have a burial to do" I command. Most of the wolves just look at me, I growl at them and they jump up; ready for action.
I walk into the garden to see the graves already made, all we have to do is bless the bodies then lay them to rest. my head hurts and I hear my wolf telling me what to say to bless them.
I rush to where the bodies are being kept, the rest of the pack fill in after me. I take in a deep breath and begin the chant.
"Fallen pack mates, we give you this blessing so that you may join the fallen wolves. Be free, you are loved and will be forever in our hearts. We have gotten payback for your deaths, you can run forever and ever without fear of being hunted, good night and may the wolf ancestors join you on your way. Run free forever more" I finish with a wolf howl, to make sure that the wolf part gets to be with their ancestors.
We chant this for all four of our fallen pack mates, I howl the longest as I was their alpha. I realise that as an alpha, I cannot lose control like I did last night and I’m going to start training myself in how to not lose it when my pack is around me.
I gently, pick one of the bodies up and slowly walk towards the graves, three of my pack mates pick the others up and we gently place them in their resting places.