Supernatural World (A Different Kind Of Hell Book 1) Page 4
I howl one last time and the pack join in, our mournful howls mingle to create a beautiful sound that would haunt a grown man's dreams.
I make sure that the pack is okay before I dart off to have a run through the woods, my wolf is eager to get rid of all the death that surrounds us.
I jump fallen logs and climb hills, my wolf enjoys the time to just be a wolf without a pack to worry about and without the alpha problems that we have to deal with. I sit down and watch the sun sink slowly, the light leaving a chill behind it, the wind howls and I shiver as something warns me of terrible times to come, maybe I should head back I think to myself.
I shake my head as I head back to my pack house, my wolf warns me that there is something wrong but I don't know what. I just hope the pack is safe.
I glance behind me and see a person, a bullet flies past my shoulder and I yelp. I narrow my eyes and jump towards the person, he dodges me and shoots again. Fire runs through my veins as the bullet hits home.
I take him down as fast as I can, I need to make it back to my pack. The bullet wound throbs with every step and I know that it's silver, nothing else would hurt this much. I remember how Dray told me about the silver and how quickly it works it’s way to the heart, I need to get it out soon or it will kill me.
I scent the air and growl when I smell something that shouldn’t be there; blood, fear and silver.
13 Chapter Thirteen
The animal in me bursts free as the smoke fills my lungs, I howl. My pack howl after me and I race to save them.
I shift, knowing that the doors will need to be opened by a human. I cough as I work my way around the house, smoke and fire threaten to hurt me but I dodge the flames and cover my mouth. I wonder how the fire could have taken hold so fast, I was only gone for half an hour and the fire has nearly taken the whole place down.
"Your pack are dead, just face it" I hear a sneer from behind me.
I jump around, the man laughs at me before shooting me in the arm. silver races to my heart and my legs buckle beneath me.
I howl, my hands cover my mouth so that it goes further. I hear a distant howl back and I let out a scream. They have my whole pack, my wolf wants blood but I have to stop her. If she kills this person then I may never get my pack back.
He walks up to me, my head swims with all the silver that's in my body. He pulls his trigger again and I pass out, the pain is just too much.
I wake up to yells, my pack. I jump up and bang my head against a cage, I realise that it's my cage. I take in a deep breath, no point in panicking now. The thought of my pack in pains makes me want to shift but I’m so weak and I know if I do the pain might just kill me.
"DRAY!" I shout as loud as I dare.
"Alpha, are you okay?" I hear Aaron reply, I wonder why my mate isn't replying.
"Yeah, where's Dray?" I ask him, my mind thinks the worse and I just hope he is alive.
"He got away" Aaron growls, I'm guessing he doesn't like Dray.
I growl, I need to get my pack out of here and fast. I glance around and see Ava with Jake in one of the far cages, my heart nearly breaks at the sight of them. Jake bleeds from a wound in his side and Ava cries his name, if I don't get them out of here then he is going to die.
I look around, a small hair pin lays on the ground near my cage. I grin and grab for it, Aaron sees what I'm doing and he watches with hope.
I grab the hair pin just as the door is thrown open, Ava cries even more and I know this is the person who hurt Jake.
"Your turn Alpha" He grins at me while grab his keys.
"Hey, leave her alone!" Aaron shouts, he doesn't give Aaron any attention.
He unlocks my door and grabs my arm, I careful keep my hand closed around the hair pin. I follow him, he drags me along with him and I flinch when he closes the door with a bang.
He drags me down a narrow corridor, my wolf is going crazy with the need to protect us and the pack, the man has his gun to my back so I can't really try anything or he will kill me.
I push down my wolf so I can think clearly, He drags me into a room with silver bars all over. he then shoots my leg and I growl, he picks me up and ties me to a table. my eye widen when he brings out a whip with silver spikes on it.
He beats me until I'm bloodied all over, my heart beats faster to try and get blood to my body but it just gushes out of my wounds. I groan as blood leaks into my eyes and mouth, I silently vow that this son of a bitch will be the first person I kill when I get out of here.
"That's enough of now" He says before I black out.
14 Chapter Fourteen
I'm shaken awake by Ava's howl, I jump up and fall to the floor again, I search wildly for Ava but I can't find her in any of the cages. I bow my head as I realise that I’ve failed my pack and my adopted children.
"Where's Ava?" I tell at Aaron.
"The hunter took her" he replies sadly.
I open my hand and am surprised to see that the hairpin is still there, I grin a little. I set to work, ignoring my wound as I pick my cage lock.
My pack watch as I successfully pick my lock. I stand up, the pain fires up and I lean against the bars to keep from falling over. Aaron watches me with worry in his eyes, I roll mine and push off the cage. I grit my teeth to stop from crying out in pain, Aaron watches me silently.
I stumble my way to Aaron's cage, he carefully stands up and waits for me to pick his lock. It takes me a while but I finally crack it and we head towards another cage.
Half an hour later and we have all the pack out of their cages and ready to get out of this hell hole. I glance at Jake who refuses to meet my gaze, I sigh and tell Aaron to take the pack back to where we first met.
"I'm not leaving my alpha" He growls at me, I nearly growl back but decide he is right. I'm not going to be any good in a fight the way I am now.
"Okay, Denny will you take the pack back?" I ask my third in command.
"yes alpha" He replies, I grab Jake by his shirt and pick him up.
"I'm getting your sister back, be safe and don't anything reckless" I tell him.
He nods and I kiss his head before letting him go to the pack, I watch the pack take off through the window and I sigh. I hope they make it.
I stumble against the cages as we head for the door that Ava should be behind, Aaron rights me and I nod my thanks to him. I wish that Dray was here but it seems he is a traitor, even if he is my mate. My wolf growls in my head that he isn’t a traitor but I ignore her, if he wasn’t then why isn’t he here with the rest of the pack.
Aaron guides me to the door and we listen for a moment, we can't hear anything behind it and I close my eyes for a second; imagining what could be behind it.
I growl and shake my head, Aaron glances at me and I nod. He kicks the door violently, I find relief that he wants to find Ava as much at me.
I gather all my strength and we enter, blood coats the walls and I'm transported to how my house looked after they had murdered my family.
Shaking my head, I walk through the mess and into another room. I hear faint cries, my mind jumps into gear and I rush forwards. Aaron grabs my arm as I fall, he catches me and I sigh.
"Be careful, you lost loads of blood" He whispers before letting me go.
I nod and we carry on, I cringe as I hear another cry. Aaron looks around us for something to use as a weapon, he finds a couple of poles and hands me one.
"She's there" Aaron whispers and I rush to her cage.
"Ava, are you okay?" I ask.
She nods slowly, I grip the hair pin tightly as I pick the lock. Once the door is open, I grab Ava and we turn to leave.
"Going somewhere?" I hear someone sneer.
I gasp when I see a hunter, holding Dray with a gun to his head. I gasp, he glares but not at me. Aaron huffs behind me and I look at him, he is as surprised as I am.
I stare at my mate, he has cuts all over his body and I can tell that he has silver in his system.
15 Chapter Fifteen
"Let him go" I growl at the hunter, he smiles and shoots Dray in the leg. He growls but doesn't make a sound of pain.
"Put the girl down and I'll let your mate go" He tells me.
Dray shakes his head, I try to weigh the pros and cons of letting the man have Ava or him killing my mate. I growl, it's a catch twenty two. He won't let Dray go even if I give Ava up. I know how this sort of thing works, I’ve seen it on TV and it either ended up with everyone in the room dead or only one person making it out alive.
I put Ava on the ground, she grabs my leg and shakes. I sigh, Dray knows what I'm about to do and so does Ava. I glance at her and whisper “You're going to make a great alpha one day my pup”
.She lets me go as I tense my muscles.
Aaron watches me and I see the dawning of what I'm about to do in his eyes. I leap and shift, my body changes into my wolf so fast that the hunter freezes for a split second. I use it to my advantage, I knock Dray away from the hunter and my body smashes into the hunter.
I bite and claw him, hoping he dropped the gun otherwise he will shoot me. I bark at the others, telling them to get out of here and luckily they listen. Dray picks Ava up and Aaron pushes them out of the room and to freedom.
I feel the bullet before I hear the shot, my side ignites with fire and I grit my teeth against the burn of the silver.
I rip his throat out before I can get bullets fired at me, I jump off him and head towards the window my pack jumped out of.
The chilly fresh winter air meets my nose as I take a leap of faith through the window, luckily it's not a big drop or it might have killed me.
I land on all fours and I roll to take the pressure off my paws. I bound around, acting like a little pup at my victory.
I shake myself and sprint towards my goal, the pack. I hope with every fiber in my body that they made it, I don't know what I'm going to do if they didn't make it.
The sun raises, casting a shadow over the land it hasn't reached yet. My wolven eyes pick up the faded blood trails and I tense, please don't be from my pack I think over and over.
I follow the faint scent of blood, the wind has blown the scent away but luckily I can still see it. I track it to the clearing where I met my pack, trepidation fills my whole body as I shift back into my human form.
"Hello?" I shout into the air, if the pack are near they will hear.
I hear a howl, Ava's howl. I take off running in the direction of the howl, I know something bad has happened and i just wish that my pack would be left alone.
I tear into the woods with a fierce growl of protection, a hunter glances my way and sneers at me before throwing a knife at me.
I stumble as it hits my side, blood coats my side and I growl. Ava and Jake huddle against a tree, away from the carnage and for that I'm grateful.
I shake my head and shift, my head spins from shifting so much in such little time but I need to protect my pack. I fight my way to the pups of my pack, they grip my fur as I lick them to make sure they are okay.
"Ellie, get the pups away from here!" Aaron shouts from across the hunters, I bark and howl at him before waiting for the pups to shift or climb on my back if they are not old enough.
Dray appears by my side and we take off into the unknown to find shelter from the darkness the world has become.
16 Chapter Sixteen
The pups drag their paws, we have been running for three hours straight. I huff at Dray and he nods, it's time to have a rest and hope that the pack will catch up.
I feel my wolf close to the surface, just in case something went wrong and the hunters followed us. The pups watch me and Dray as we check out a little cave to make sure no threat is there.
When we bark to say it's clear, the pups pile into the cave and curl around each other. Most of them stay in wolf form but the ones that are too young to shift, they huddle against me and Dray for warmth.
I wait for them to fall asleep before I turn to Dray "How come you got away and left us?".
"I needed to get help, I was injured and I knew I couldn't get you out if I didn't leave some time to heal!" He replies.
"Oh, night Dray" I reply.
"Night, my love" He says before I fall into the world of dreams.
"Ellie, wake up!" I hear as my shaken awake.
"What?" I growl, my patience wearing thin.
I look outside and Dray doesn't have to say any more, hunters are looking for us. I shift and let the pups climb on me before we set off running in a different direction, to throw the hunters off our trail. My wounds throb but I have to ignore than, even though it hurts like hell to even move.
We run all day, only stopping for a little break to catch some food. The pups are worn out by the time we settle in for the night, before they pass out we check the area for hunters or any other threats and we find nothing so we settle them in for a good night's sleep.
I hear a growl, I jump up and shift. My wolf paces, hoping it was just my imagination but I don't think it was.
"Who are you and what are you doing?" I hear someone shout.
I shift back and walk out into the unknown, five werewolves watch me with hatred in their eyes. I sigh and turn to the pups who sleep silently.
"Can we please talk somewhere else?" I ask.
"Fine" The leader replies.
I follow him to a fallen tree, he whirls round and glares at me. I frown at him and wait for him to speak.
"Why are you here?" He finally asks in a softer voice than before.
"My pack got ambushed and we got free but they followed us and I took the pups so they could live. I'm not really sure if the rest of my pack is alive or not" I reply, my voice tightens as I think about my pack and how I just got them. I don’t expect any help from this other pack so I’m shock at what he says.
"We will help you" he says after awhile, hope begins to appear deep down.
I nod and we walk back to where the pups are staying, I gasp when I see them. Blood coats all of them and I look around wildly for an attacker but I see none.
"Relax, they aren't hurt. It's animal blood, they were hungry so we caught some food for them" The leaders second laughs.
"What is your name?" I ask the leader.
"Oh, sorry my name is Percy. What is yours?" he laughs.
"Mine is Ellie and that guy over there is Dray" I reply.
We follow Percy and his pack to what he calls a safe house, he finds some clean clothes for us and puts the fire on.
I sigh into the hot chocolate that I nurse, my mind swims with the thought of my packs death. I think about the pups and how their parents might not be alive, what am I going to do? Can I raise them all?
"Why don't you get some sleep, tomorrow is a huge day" Percy says from the doorway.
I nod to him and settle down for the night, Jake and Ava curl up next to me and I place my cup on the side before laying down.
17 Chapter Seventeen
"Time to get your pack back" I hear Percy laugh by the door, I groan as I get up. Ava and Jake have already gone down stairs, I tilt my head and hear them playing with the other pups.
"let’s get them back" I growl at him, he nods and we walk down the stairs.
I grab a knife on the way out, it's better to fight with weapons then with nothing. I tuck it into my belt and the others arm themselves with guns or knifes, I kiss Ava and Jake on the heads as I pass and they hug me.
I sigh as we head towards the door, looking back on the pups makes it that much harder to leave. I know that if I don't, I will be raising a pack of pups and I can't do that.
Dray watches me as I check my knives, he smiles at me when I look up and I turn away. I cannot let my feelings get in the way.
"Move em out!" Percy yells, his pack jump into trucks and I climb in the one with Percy in.
The truck's engine rumbles to life, I shiver at the thought of being in a car. My wolf tells me it's not right but I shove the feeling away, my wolf knows how hard it is for me because I'm new to this sort of stuff
We will get our pack back, don't worry about it. I'm here and always will be. My wolf tells me, I reply with okay. I see my wolf curl up inside my mind and I know she is on high alert but is trying not to show it.
"So how long have you been a werewolf?" Percy asks as we pull out of the driveway.
"Roughly three weeks, I think anyway" I reply with a shrug.
"How did you become an alpha of a pack so fast?"
"The wolf who bit me decided I needed to be challenged and my wolf took over, she killed him and I took over the pack" I say with shame.
"The same with me too, most wolves bow down but the alphas cannot" Percy replies, trying to make me feel better.
"So how did you become werewolf rescuers?" I ask, my mind wonders at the thought.
"My family was taken, I found some werewolves and we decided to save more... We just happened to become the recognized guys" He laughs.
"Oh right, I bet it's great freeing werewolves?" I ask, I wonder if I could join them with my pack.
"Most of the time it is but the times we didn't make it are the worst, my rage takes over at the thought we couldn't save them all" He replies with dark humour.
"I bet" I reply, I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't make it but Percy is doing a great job.
"We are here alpha" The driver of our truck says, he glances at me before getting out.
"So what the plan?" I ask Percy.
"We go in, get your pack and if needed we fight our way out" He replies.
"Sounds like my kind of party" I laugh.
Percy laughs and shakes his head at me before we all pile out of the trucks, I look around and notice about twenty werewolves. I see about seven of them in wolf form and they look ready to kill someone, I glad I’m not on the other side of this bitch-fest.
18 Chapter Eighteen
We sneak along the right side of the building, the driver of our truck keeps checking on me to see if I'm okay with this and I hear my wolf growling in my head at him.