Supernatural World (A Different Kind Of Hell Book 1) Page 5
"Okay, on my command" Percy whispers, holding his hand up. Hunters laze around the room, I glance at the glass door and I know what Percy is planning to do.
He lows his hand and two wolves shoot a bullet of some sort at the door, the glass shatters and the bullets ricochet around the room.
The hunters stare at us with wide eyes, they didn't think we would rebel against them but the werewolves are changing. We don't stand in the shadows any more, we will get my pack back but most of all we are showing the hunters that we are no longer afraid of them.
Percy nods to me, signaling that it's time to fight and I get my knife out ready. Percy's wolves tense, awaiting his command to shift. He waits a second before giving a howl, the signal for them the shift.
I jump into action as Percy's wolves shift, they attack the hunters and I go looking for my pack. Hopefully I can find them here.
The warehouse glows red with the flames that take over, I hope my pack don't die like that.
I duck and dive, hunters attack from all angles and I know my pack are here. There would not be as many hunters here if my pack was somewhere else.
My knife cuts through hunter after hunter but I'm not bothered, they have my pack. I might have been human but now I have to think wolf as well as human and I don't regret my walk in the woods.
I realise as I'm fighting that my life had been incomplete without my wolf and pack, now my life is fuller than I could have ever hoped for.
My wolf howls with agreement and we agree on another thing, it's time the shift. I let go of my control and let the wolf take over, I relish the feeling as my human form disappears and my wolf form raises.
I shake as my wolf form completes itself, I let out a howl and I hear my pack answer it. I look towards Percy and he nods, I bounce towards my packs location.
I hear Dray run up along side me, the thought that he's fighting with me sends my wolf into a rage. He betrayed us, he left us for dead and he made excuses as to why he left. I try to think about how he helped me but the bad things are the only thing I can think about.
I growl at him but he ignores me, I roll my wolven eyes and continue on my path towards my pack. He will not stop me, no one will stop me.
I let out a battle, rage filled howl and my pack answer with a battle cry. We are getting out and no one can stop us from leaving alive, I woof happily at the thought of my pack back with me and the pups.
I round the corner and see hunters everywhere, I snarl at them and my wolf wait for my signal to give chase, I give a wolfish grin before thinking about the signal. Let the chase begin my wolf, kill them all. I think to my wolf and she yip's at me, we are thinking alike. This is the first time we have been on the same page, I have to admit it’s the best thing in the world.
I take a step back and just let her take over completely, Dray warned me that she may never give me control back but I'm sure she will, after the threat is gone.
I jump, three hunters go down. I duck and four hunters go down, my wolf takes hunters down like they are just an annoyance. We get to my pack who are fine apart from a few cuts and bruises.
I growl at them and they all nod, I bark and Aaron steps back as I jump at the lock on the cage door. My wolf bites down on it like it's jelly and my pack are free.
I shift back, it was easy. My wolf was bored with all the fighting and just wanted to go home, she didn't fight me when I asked for control back. This is another lie Dray as told me.
We run past all the hunters bodies, I cringe at the thought that I did this. I shrug as we head towards all the fighting, Percy is keeping the hunters busy so we can sneak past them.
I jerk my head right, my pack follow and head right. We burst out of the fire ridden building and into the car park where all the trucks are parked waiting for us.
I turn, just in time to get hit by a bullet. I howl as it hits, my side feels like fire but I need to get Percy out. I roll my eyes at the pain.
I motion for the pack to get in the trucks, Aaron shakes his head and I roll my eyes. He is the best second in command I could ever ask for.
Me, Aaron and Dray head back into the burning building, my eyes burn from all the smoke and my eyes are useless.
I try to use my nose but the smoke blocks all other scents, I tilt my head and listen for them. I find them in a room free of fire, Percy and his wolves are winning but only just.
I cups my hands around my mouth and howl, he nods in return and we all fight our way out. Just as we get out a hunter grabs me, Aaron growls at him and attacks but it's too late. The hunter stabs me with a silver knife, right in the side.
I open my mouth in a gasp but ends in blood pouring down, he lets me go and I fall ungracefully to the floor.
My mind goes fuzzy as the silver infects my whole body, my wolf howls at me for being so stupid
19 Chapter Nineteen
I groan as fire runs around my veins, my body feels like it's melting from the inside and I yell as a pain shoots from the bullet wounds. My knife wound burns, to the point where my vision is blurry and my hearing is going.
"Hang on alpha" Aaron growls at me.
"I will" I growl back through gritted teeth.
I see Percy's eyes widen as he sees me. He motions for Aaron to set me down in the Truck, Percy has put the seats down to make an even floor.
Aaron puts me down and I growl as my back hits the floor of the truck, He cringes at my pain and I wonder why. Dray watches on with no emotion on his face and I feel slightly sad that he isn't being a mate to us. My wolf told me that mates go insane when their mate is hurt, so why is he looking like nothing happened? Is he even my mate? These thought swirl around and gives me a headache to add to the long list of pain.
I growl as the truck starts to move, the fire spreads towards my heart and I feel my breathing begin to slow.
I frown slightly as I remember the strange feelings I felt for Aaron.
"We're losing her" One of Percy's wolves says.
"NO, SHE IS MY ALPHA, SHE WILL NOT QUIT" I hear Aaron growl at him.
I feel the truck speed up and I see the darkness come to claim me, I hear Aaron tell me to stay awake but it's to hard.
My mind goes blank as the silver enters my heart.
"She's coming round" I hear someone say.
It feels like I was out for years, maybe I was. I slowly open my eyes to see Percy, Aaron and Dray looking over me.
"Hi" I say in a rough voice, my throat has closed and it hurts to breath and talk.
"How you feeling?" Aaron asks, I smile at his worry for me.
"Like I fought loads of hunters" I smile.
"How is the pack?" I ask, I gently sit up and wince when my side gives a pulse of disapproval.
"They have been treated for their wound and they are now waiting for you" Percy grins at me, I feel my wolf give a purr of approval and I smile.
"Thank you" I smile at him, my wolf barks in my mind and I give a frown back. My wolf should not be this active towards another male who is not our pack or our mate.
Three days go by, Aaron visits me daily but Dray is nowhere to be seen. My wolf growls at my mind, telling me that he is just busy but I know different. He wasn't our mate, he wasn't even my friend. He somehow tricked my wolf into thinking he was my mate.
"let's go see our pack" Aaron says after the fourth day goes by.
I pull myself out of the bed, my wounds twitch but other then that they are healed. Aaron grabs my arm to stop me from falling and I feel a tingle run down my arm that he holds, Mate! My wolf growls, I ignore her as she was wrong about Dray and I don't want to get in with a mate again. I thought wolves mated for life so he can not be our mate if we already have one.
I slowly walk down the hallway to where I hear the pack, Aaron grins as he throws the door open and the pack gasp.
"Alpha!" My fighter wolves shout as they barrel me over.
"Hey" I laugh as the pack greet me with warm hugs.
I glance at Ava and Jake who watch me with
guarded eyes. I tilt my head at them and they run to me.
"I thought you was going to leave me mummy" Ava cries.
"I will never leave you" I reply while hugging her.
I kneel down and hug them both while looking over my shoulder at Percy, he nods and turns away.
20 Chapter Twenty
"Mummy, are we safe now?" Ava asks me, my wounds have healed nicely and we are just watching the time fly by.
"I believe we are Ava" I reply to the young wolf.
"I feel weird mummy?" She cries, I glance at the sky and see the luscious full moon.
"It's time to meet your wolf" I reply, Jake runs to us as Ava shakes.
"It's okay, the pack are here and we will help you through it" I reply as I feel a shiver run through my bones.
"Percy wants you to run with us" One of his wolves says to me.
"We will gladly accept his kind offer" I reply.
His nods and leaves us while we shift, I crouch down to Ava. She shakes as she fights the shift, I shake my head and tell her not to fight it. Let me free, I will show and tell her My wolf says into my mind.
I close my eyes for a second and my wolf takes over them, she shows Ava what a wolf will do to make sure a pup is safe.
"You are my pup and you have to let your wolf free" my wolf says through my mouth.
I see the moment Ava decides to trust me. She closes her eyes like I did and she bursts into her wolf form.
Jake's eyes widen and he does the same, after a while his wolf bursts free and I shift fully. Ava's fur is pure white, meaning that she is an alpha and will take over the pack if and when I die. Jake's fur is dark gray, meaning he is a high ranking wolf but not an alpha. His fur could change as he grows older though if he is meant to lead with his sister.
I bark and they follow me to where our pack waits, the pups who are too young are staying with Percy's mother who is not a werewolf.
Percy nods and we set off, I run besides Aaron who keeps close to me to make sure my wounds don't give me any trouble.
Ava and Jake manage to keep pace with us even though they are new to their wolves, I guess the wolf is helping them and they understand their wolves.
We run as a huge pack, Percy's wolves mingle between my pack and I feel safe with so many wolves around.
We play all night, the moon disappears meaning we can shift back but we don't we stay in wolf form all night just playing and running.
Towards dawn, Aaron nips me to follow him. I leave the pack with Percy and we set off, he takes me to a little cave and he shifts.
"You going to stand there all night or are you going to join me" He says, I feel my eyes widen as he sits down. He doesn't even put any clothes on.
I shift back and grin it him, he lifts his arm up and I duck under it. I lean my head against his shoulder and we watch the sunrise.
"You may think this is strange but I think you are my mate" Aaron says, worry fills his eyes as he waits for my response.
"I think the same, my wolf keeps telling me you are" I sigh.
"Really?" He replies.
"Yeah" I say back.
His hand strokes my arm and his other hand sends tingles down my leg, I realise that he has been there for me through everything that has happen to me.
He pulls my face towards him and our lips meet, tingles explode all over as he deepens the kiss. My body doesn't know what is happening and we just go with it.
He lays me down and gets on top, he tilts his face and waits for any sign that I don't want to do this but he find none.
He continues his journey of exploring my body and I feel complete, he is my mate. I have my whole pack back and a friendly neighboring pack.
My world is now full and I wouldn't want it any other way.
21 Chapter Twenty-One
Two weeks later
I glance at the sky, the blueish tint disappears until the storm clouds cover the whole sky. My pups stare in terror as thunder starts to rumble, Aaron sleeps soundly next to me but Ava cries while her brother shakes, their little forms terrified of the storm. I sooth them until they are half asleep, a crack of light undoes all my hard work and I sigh before gently getting out of bad and taking them into the games room. I gently set Ava down and Jake follows us while glancing around.
“It’s just a little storm, nothing to be scared of” I say to them while I find the remote for the TV, they cuddle together as the room suddenly goes dark. I guess they won’t be watching TV tonight.
Ava screams as the lightning flashes outside, I hurry to them and we cuddle on the sofa. I gently rub their backs and hope this storm passes quickly.
Aaron runs into the room with his weapons but when he sees us he rolls his eyes and comes towards us.
“Ava baby, why did you scream? It’s nothing bad” He mutters as he sits next to me, his arm wraps around me and we all curl up together.
“Is anything okay?” I hear Percy say as he walks into the room. He must have just been going to bed when Ava’s scream reached him as he is only wearing boxers.
“Yeah, the kids are just scared of the storm” I reply as I rub my eyes. I haven’t been to sleep for two days straight and it’s taking a massive toll on my already weak body.
“Why don’t we play a game?” He says and the kids perk up while running to the cupboard to look for a game.
“Thank you Percy” I say as he gets settled with the kids on either side of him.
“It’s fine, I couldn’t sleep anyway” He laughs.
My eyes start to close and Aaron gently kisses the top of my head, I sigh and cuddle closer to him. I think about how Dray never did this with me, he said he was my mate and even fooled my wolf. I realise that I never felt the sparks with him like I do with Aaron.
I wonder to myself where he went after he disappeared and I sigh as I realise I don't actually care.
“I WIN” I hear Percy yell in my sleep and I jump up ready to defend my pups.
“Oh sorry Ellie” He says while he laughs at my shocked expression.
I look around and notice that the storm has past, I sigh in relief but that is cut short when Percy’s second in command rushes in and yells about an attack.
“Where? When?” Percy asks and I stand silently.
“It’s not happened yet but the hunters plan to attack the stronghold in four days time” He says before bowing and running out.
Ava and Jake run to me, thinking that we are about to be attacked right this second. I hug them and tell them to go back to our room, they whimper but do as I say.
“What do we do?” I ask Percy, he glances at me and I can see his mind working to come up with a plan.
“We wait for them to attack, the stronghold is extremely protected so shouldn’t be overrun. How would you like to join our team?” He says.
“What do you mean join your team?” I reply with uncertainty.
“We could use your numbers, if you want to be a part of something bigger than the werewolf race” He replies.
“We’ll do it, if that’s okay Ellie?” Aaron says and I roll my eyes at him. I nod and Percy grins before welcoming us to the team.
“I’ll get you a pack house built, you’re going to have to stay here for the time being though, is that okay?” Percy asks with a warm hearted smile.
“That’s perfect, thank you Percy” I reply with a smile just as warm. Aaron smiles and pulls me closer, I realise that I have anything that I need right here and I would never want to be anywhere other than with my family and friends.
22 Chapter Twenty-Two
I grin as Ava, Jake and Aaron roll around the muddy ground. The laughter coming from them warms my heart and I find myself laughing at their antics. The weather has perked up causing the pack house to be nearly finished already after planning it last night.
The males of my pack walk towards us and I rush to get the cool box, they look like they need some food and a drink. Once they are in reach they sit down and I give them some food and a drink. They happ
ily gulp down the water and slowly eat the sandwiches I made, I’ve got better at making food thanks to Percy and his pack.
“Mummy, Can we go see the house?” Ava asks me, I shake my head and she looks at the ground for a second.
“I’ll take you but you have to be careful” Percy says as he walks up from behind me.
They both grin and wait for my response, I nod and they run towards Percy. The sun blares down on us and I sit up to get a drink, Aaron is suddenly on top of me.
“What the hell?” I ask him, his face filled with worry.
“Let’s get her to the pack doctor” I hear Percy say.
I’m lifted into Aaron's arms and he rushes towards the medical wing of the house, I glance at him but he focuses on where he is going. He lays me down on a bed and the doctor rushes in and starts poking me with a sharp stick, I’m just about to shift and bite the stick out of his hand when he puts it down and gently lays his hands on my stomach.
“What’s going on?” I ask but everyone ignores me.
“You are with child” He says simply.
I shake my head, I can’t have kids. This must be some sort of cruel joke, Aaron grins at me and cuddles me while he kisses my head.
“I can’t have kids” I reply, in shock.
“And why is that?” The doctor replies.
“When I was younger I got hurt and at the hospital they said I would never be able to have kids” I say.
“Well I’m pleased to say that when you were bitten, it somehow healed whatever was wrong and you are able to have children now” The doctor says before walking out of the room.
After the shock has worn off, I throw myself into Aaron's arms and he spins me around before setting me gently back on the ground. I smile at him as he leans in and kisses me, I kiss him back and I hear Percy groan.
“Get a room!”
“Already in one!” I resort back, he laughs and so do I, Aaron shakes his head with a smile and we all walk out to a very worried Ava and Jake.